Thursday, September 10, 2009

Jackson and Mommy photo shoot

A slideshow of pictures that a friend of mine took. I wanted to get some recent photos of Jackson and also a few before the new baby gets here of just him. I always hear that once you have more than one, they are always in pictures together! These were taken at a beautiful historical place in Camarillo, CA. Thank you Amy for taking time out of your day and tolerating my not so cooperative 20 month old! I can't wait for Garrett to come home and see these!


  1. Well, I cried. I sat right here and just bawled. The song, for one got me, but Janel these are just beautiful. You look so pretty honey, and I am so glad you're my daughter. I love you, Mom.

  2. Hl Janel and Jackson!

    Love your photo shoot! Janel you still are as sexy as ever!!! Congratulations on the birth of Grace katherine! You have a wonderful family and we are glad you are in ours! Sandy and I can't wait to see you, Garret, Jackson, and Grace soon.

    Love Pat and Sandy
