Monday, August 31, 2009

Ginny's Visit!!

My best friend Ginny came to visit us for a whole week! She is one of my best friends from college and probably the only person who can make me laugh as hard as I do when I'm around her. I'm very lucky to have such good friends who come to visit me wherever we are living. While she was here we didn't do much other than hit the beach and a little shopping. Jack loves his Aunt G and I had a fantastic time with my bestest.

G and Jack at the Surf Contest on the base beach
Mugu Beach

Dinner at Paradise Cove in Malibu

my little hambone:)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

If I Only Had a Brother...

My good friend Jessica is also pregnant--she's due exactly one month before I am. So, we've been taking turns watching each other's boys so that doctor's appointments are a bit easier. With the guys gone, it is so nice to even just ride in the car by yourself for a change!! Jackson and Benjamin have a great time together and on this particular day were a riot playing in our backyard in nothing but swim diapers! Jack got a little taste of what life would have been like with a brother instead of this little sister he has on the way!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Horton Hears A Who!

The local theater offers free movies during the summer for kids, so today I decided to try it with Jackson. It was a great success! I was expecting to have to leave the movie early but Jack did great and sat through the entire movie!! The pictures aren't that great but I was so impressed with my little boy and had a really good time with him! Now that I know he will sit through a movie, I'm excited for Garrett to be able to take him when he gets home. With his popcorn and candy, he was the perfect date!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Baby Girl!

I went today for my 33 week ultrasound appointment and the ultrasound tech was able to get a couple good shots of our little girl. She mostly kept her hands in front of her face, and even threw up a peace sign for us! Her pictures look a lot like Jack's did when he was in my belly. Everything looks great and pretty much on schedule so it won't be too long until I'm dressing her in head to toe PINK~!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Grammy's Glasses

While we were in Indiana, Jack tried on my mom's reading glasses. I'm sure it wasn't very good for his eyes at all but I thought it was one of the funniest things he's ever done. He kept touching the floor because it looked closer than before! I cracked up!