I found a discount deal online for 2 character dinners at our local mall for $15. I scooped it up and scheduled dinners with Belle from Beauty and Beast and Spiderman!!
Grace and Mommy went first--Grace was putting on her lip gloss, of course!

waiting to go in and meet Belle!

she kept putting crayons in her purse...awesome, a thief!

Giving Belle her lip gloss

2 pretty princesses!

they had pizza and got to decorate their own cupcake...Grace just ate the spoonful of icing! She gets that from her Grandma!

Thanking Belle for a fun evening with a hug and picture before she has to return to her castle.

Jack and Daddy went the week after. Poor Jackson was sick with a fever, but we didn't dare cancel on Spiderman!

Daddy's camera was dead so he took pics with his phone, not as good but still so cute!

The kids absolutely LOVED it...and for $15, Mommy and Daddy loved it too!
this is so cute!