This incredibly handsome and amazingly sweet boy, turned 3 years old on December 27.
We wanted to make his week extra special, (the guilt of having a Christmas baby is really setting in...) so we took him to Knott's Berry Farm!

and he rocked out on his new microphone from Papa and Grammy...

and played at the his underwear
but the REAL fun came on Friday, Dec. 31st, when it was time for his HORSEY PARTY!
We took him to a local ranch that we visit often with 10 of his friends to ride and feed horses!
and, of course, our awesome friends-the Wenkers-were there taking amazing pictures

(check out their outside legs!)

Jackson in "horsey heaven"

no horse party is complete without a romp in the dirt/manure pile

well hello there Fred.

"dude, I'm telling you--his name is Pete!"


a great family that captures our lives at the moment, happy, beautiful So. Cal,..and all things HORSE.

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