Grace Catherine Barry was born September 22, 2009 @ 4:52pm. Our little princess was 7lbs. 8oz. and 20in. long. Labor and delivery were nothing short of a BREEZE!! It was fantastic! 2 pushes and she was here, my epidural worked wonders and I couldn't have asked for an easier birth! If they are all this easy, I may consider giving my husband the Barry family football team he so desires! Grace and Mommy are doing wonderful and are actually getting released from the hospital this afternoon--only a short 24 hour stay for us girls!
you guys all look great, i'm so overjoyed for you.... congratulations and enjoy the precious moments!! lots of love!!
ReplyDeleteHi Gracie, good evening, it's your Godfather Nicholas. I look forward to meeting you next week and celebrating your Baptism. I want you to know that I promise I will do all that I can and put all my heart, mind, and soul into being your Mentor, Advisor, Coach, Counselor, and Spiritual Leader. In every step that you will take, please believe that I will always have your back. I love ya sweetheart. Sweet Dreams and may God Bless you and keep you healthy & safe.