For the 3rd leg of our trip, Garrett's parents took us on vacation! We went to the beautiful Kiawah Island, SC. There were several members of Garrett's family that were able to go so it was a really good time. Although Jackson is used to the beach--he was NOT used to the warm ocean water (it's extremely cold in CA), so our little boy was water-logged EVERY day! We had a fantastic time and are very thankful we were able to go on such a fun vacation!

a beach message for Daddy--we miss you so much Daddy!

Hitching a ride from Papa--Jack's Great-Grandpa

Playing Paddle Ball with Uncle Kevin

Venturing out into the waves--we really had to keep an eye on him--he has NO FEAR!

Flying a kite for the first time with Grandpa!

A group photo--Naples, Julians & Barrys

Jack with his Grandma and Grandpa Barry

the coolest shades---ever!

Biking with Mommy on the beach--so much fun...for Jack & Mommy :)

Me and my favorite boy!

Swinging with Mommy--WARNING: DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS! For one thing, after we did this, it was ALL he wanted to do. So, of course--we indulged. Later that evening we discovered Jack's wrists were black and blue!! Sorry pal--who knew swinging around would cause such horrible marks?!!

my handsome boy--strutting his stuff!

Going to dinner in Charleston
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