Monday, January 27, 2014
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
3 Months Later…(loooonnnggg post)
HELLO!! Kids and life took over and I was clearly MIA for about 3 months. Now that things have settled a bit, here's what we've been up to!
And Grace & Anna shared some sisterly love :)
November came and went quickly as well. Anna kept us busy and very entertained!
This handsome little boy had a FANTASTIC Christmas program--he was THE cutest one on stage. No joke.
We had plenty of snow to play in…Grace was exercising with me and Grammy in the snow this day.
Even Anna came out to play for a bit!
Down at Papa's property to run the hills and get the kids worn out!
In her gorgeous little bracelet from Grammy, she got Grace one at her baptism as well.

And there you have it…all caught up!! I'll try to be better about updating this, 3 kids is NO JOKE!!!!!
October was a fun month, the kids had a blast carving pumpkins and dressing up for Halloween, even Garrett rocked a costume this year!
My 31st birthday didn't go as planned--we were supposed to attend Hawkeye Ball and get all fancy in our formal attire…but Garrett ended up having to work that weekend at the squadron all weekend so the kids and I grabbed Chipotle and celebrated with him at work :)
Jack showing off his artist skills waiting for the bus--he really does impress me with his love for drawing, he's VERY good!
The kids finished up the soccer season--their team didn't do all that great, but they had fun!
And Grace & Anna shared some sisterly love :)
Jack lost his first tooth!!! How is this happening already???
Anna learned a very valuable lesson that my mom taught me at a young age:
"the shoes make the outfit."
Grace had a Thanksgiving program at school--she was SO proud and had a great time! She is really loving her class this year!
In addition to losing his first tooth, Jack also learned to tie his shoes!!!
We headed up to Annapolis one weekend to catch one last Navy game, LOVE that town!
November ended with a fantastic Thanksgiving with our great friends.
December was a total blur, so many commitments, traveling, programs, etc.--AND Grace clearly got the model bug-she was all about posing for the camera!
We put the tree up this year and decided to decorate with ONLY sentimental, personal ornaments rather than just generic bulbs. I LOVED it. My mom gave me all of our old ornaments from growing up, so it was really special for Jack and Grace to help with the old handmade wooden ornaments my mom had made when I was a kid.
This little cutie turned 4 months old!!!
Then we were OFF to Indiana for a visit before Christmas!
While we were home Garrett and I got to go to the Colts game, we met up with my younger brother and best friends from college. SUCH a fun day!
We had plenty of snow to play in…Grace was exercising with me and Grammy in the snow this day.
Even Anna came out to play for a bit!
Down at Papa's property to run the hills and get the kids worn out!
After Indiana, we headed to Ohio to visit with the Youngstown crew.
While we were in Ohio, we had Anna Claire baptized. All 3 of our kids were baptized at the same church as their Daddy--this one was extra special for Daddy-Anna Claire is his little peanut. :)
After Ohio, we headed home a couple days before Christmas--SANTA came and did not disappoint!!

The day after Christmas, we tore down all of our decorations and got ready to have a BIG SIX YEAR OLD in the house (insert Mommy bawling)!!
That's a Max Steele cake…yeah, I tried. ;)
We went to a local indoor trampoline park and tried (it never worked!) to launch a rocket with friends for Jack's birthday, he had a great day and is super excited to be 6!
We spent New Year's Eve ice skating with friends and enjoying one last night of pizza and beer. Garrett and I started a Whole 30 Challenge for the month of January. I'll post results later...
Then January rolled around and here we are. This little sweet girl turned 5 months and is now rolling over!
And our big 6 year old requested a buzz last week!
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