Our little firecracker turned 2 today!
We love her so much and are so lucky to have her in our lives, Happy Birthday to our Gracie Girl!
i have a thing for always making my kids cakes--i'm not a store-bought kinda Mommy...who doesn't remember their Mom making their birthday cakes? with us being in transition here at the Beach Motel (with no oven), it was tough--but with the help of my friend, Natasha-I was able to get it done!

she spent her day playing with sidewalk chalk...

telling everyone she's turning 3 (good try though Auntie Walrus!)

going to the beach with her big bro

playing in the freezing cold waves

doin' a little lean wit it rock wit it (that's my girl!)

and looking as pretty as usual...

then it was time for her PARTY!!! I showed her the cake after nap and asked if she liked it--she says "I wub it Mommy!"

trying on all her gear from Grammy and Papa

getting her pretty necklace from Hawaii from Daddy

and playing dress up with her new outfits from Auntie Walrus (my friend Lauren)

great day with the WHOLE family!!