We just got back to California from a near 2 week vacation back HOME to Indiana and Ohio!
Garrett and I both agreed this was the most relaxing and fun trip we've had back home in a long time! The kids enjoyed their Grandparents, Garrett's brother, Kevin, got married, and we had a TON of snow to play in and have a "white Christmas" while we exchanged gifts!

For weeks Jack has been asking (more like telling) his Grammy to make chocolate chip cookies--they did, right after he woke up our first day home!

"popping" the eggs in!

bedtime stories after bath

Grace loves her Papa--she would crawl up on the couch and sit right next to him, it was so sweet!
My mom took us to Christmas at the Zoo--indoor sharks, penguins, a dolphin show, train ride, and LOTS of awesome lights!

"Let it SNOW!"
The kids and I left Indiana and headed over to meet Daddy in Ohio--where there was even MORE snow!

helping Daddy snow blow, and shovel the driveway!

"Hi! My name's Chubby...."

Building a Gingerbread House with Aunt Kelly and Grandma!

shoveling more snow....
We all went out to dinner for Grandpa's birthday!
the picture below is best named as "Garrett's Heaven"

The kids and Grandpa's nightly routine...Cheez-Its, jammies, and cartoons!
Kevin and Ali's rehearsal dinner
Wedding Day!
Ali was a beautiful bride and Kevin was so handsome, so proud of them both. It's crazy to think I met them more than 6 years ago, and now they are MARRIED!

these crazy kids were the flower girl and ring bearer...cute as could be too!

The kids were spoiled by both families...got a lot of gifts, but my favorite gift out of the bunch was from their Aunt Kelly. Jack's different mustaches---HILARIOUS!! Thanks, Kel ;)