We started our month long vacation with a trip back to my home in Indiana. This is our 3rd summer doing so--all without Garrett, due to work ups and deployments! The kids had a fantastic time seeing their Grammy and Papa and all of our other family. They literally LIVED outside! I had forgotten how nice it is during the summer in Indiana. We were all together there for a little over a week, and then I left the kiddos and met Garrett in Hawaii! The trip began with a rough flight and sickness in both kids, but overall I think this month-long vacation was the best yet!

Pretty little lady!

Jackson with his daily hose playing!
There is nothing better than a nap in the hammock!
Horsies!! Directly across the street...could this be any better for Jack?!
PB & J outside--our little country boy!
Riding in Papa's new toy and learning croquet!
Between this pool and my Grandma's, Jack was basically a prune for 2 1/2 weeks!
So MUCH fun in Indiana...and we're just beginning! Hawaii and Ohio are next!