Thursday, April 22, 2010

Screaming Match Corrected

Oops! I uploaded the wrong video--here is the corrected version of the screaming match that went on at our dinner table this week!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Garage Sale Deal!

We went for our morning walk and to scout out the great garage sales on base this past Saturday and ended up scoring another grill! It was a steal and Garrett was super pumped about it---so pumped, he pushed it 1/4 mile home! HYSTERICAL!

Adventures in Beer Making

For Garrett's 28th birthday, I got him a home brew kit for making his own beer. It's a time consuming project but one that he has had a lot of fun with. I think now, we are ready to invest in some "expert" equipment and start pumping out the Barry Brew!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Easter 2010

This year for Easter we were lucky enough to be with family, Garrett's parents came to visit! Church was crowded but fun with Jackson sharing with EVERYONE signs of peace. Afterward, we had a great dinner and DESSERT galore!! Woohoo!

These pictures were actually taken AFTER Easter--I made the kids get all dressed up again because I didn't get any pictures of them on the actual day. Jack was NOT happy about it!

Of course, Gracie didn't mind--she LOVES to look pretty!

Silly kids

I am always trying to set the kids up together to try to get a perfect shot of the two of them--it has yet to happen. On this particular day, Jackson was cracking me up! I say this a lot, but I love the age he is at right now. He's started talking A LOT more and has the most playful, silly personality--he's a riot to be around. The picture sequence below is of him trying to get his sister to smile for the picture "Dace, mile n day cheeeez!" (Grace, smile and say cheese!)

Too big, too fast!

Our beautiful baby girl is getting too big, too fast! It seems like all of a sudden, she is making huge developments! She can roll her way anywhere she wants to go and is on the verge of crawling. She has been sitting up on her own now for a couple of weeks and just the other day I felt her first tooth pop through! She is such a good baby, Garrett calls her our "little angel baby"--always happy, a great eater, and rarely fussy! We couldn't be more in love!